What’s on your book shelf? Brenda Goodman and Lorraine Glessner

Since  my book shelf blog post I have received a few books from friends, a Brice Marden catalog, Letters to a Young Poet, Art and War and a Joan Mitchell book. Thanks to all of them!!  I am  thinking a book trade party among artist friends might be fun. 

Check out Brenda and Lorraine’s book collection.


 Lorraine Glessner
I LOVE my books and i love that you're doing this post!! it's great to see the books that other artist's have, especially relative to the art they make. these are books in my living room on the stairs to my studio and in my studio. i have many more beside my bed, around the studio and at school for my students, but this gives you a good sampling. last summer i organized my books according to subject to make it easier to find them and so that i didn't purchase books i already had-which, i sheepishly admit, i did a few years ago. yes, i'm also a bookaholic and proud of it!! thanks, Lisa, for this fun and interesting post!