Back Again

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I can’t believe I am here again. The first time I focused on the blog was right after I quit my job waitressing about ten years ago. (Yes, I waited tables for way too many years while I/We  raised our kids and made art. )
After quitting I gave myself a year to get something going.
 I focused my energy on  painting, teaching and doing workshops and blogging.
I always enjoyed writing about my process, thoughts, and featuring other artists.
And the social media happened and I lost interest.
Now we are in such a strange place of isolation.

I have lots to say about what’s happening  but need more coffee. 
Meanwhile I would like to plug this video that I made a while ago.
It for sale for 60.00  until April 10 when the price will go up.

You can also go to my You Tube Channel  for lots of clips and fun demos.

Teaching Video

Teaching Videos
I  have just launched my online encaustic instructional videos called “Approaching Encaustic”. There are nine videos covering basic and advanced techniques. The introductory rate for the complete video course is 60.00 until April 5, 2020